Reviews 2011
Reviews 2011
written and directed by Andreja Kovac
Poetry in Motion, Toronto Fringe Festival,
Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace, Toronto
July 8-16, 2011
Slovenian writer Andreja Kovac’s solo puppet show for performer Ivana Matuzović reveals that no one is happy after the “happy ending” in Cinderella. Cinderella’s stepsisters and stepmother moan about Cinderella’s new wealth and plan to kill her. Meanwhile the princess feels stifled by the court and becomes a prostitute in Las Vegas. Matuzović manipulates shoes to represent the step-family and periodically uses a puppet as Cinderella. Yet, it all feels awkward rather than magical. The show lacks humour and doesn’t even follow dream logic in linking its scenes. Kovac has the glum Matuzović repeat the same gestures and dialogue so slowly and so often, it seems she’s trying to stretch out one measly idea to fill up the time.
©Christopher Hoile
Note: A version of this review appeared in NOW Magazine, July 14, 2011.
Photo: Ivana Matuzović. ©2011.
For tickets, visit
Cinderella Afterparty