Reviews 2011
Reviews 2011
by Valerie Zawilski, directed by Janina Kowalski
Jiv Parasram
Voices on the Wind, Toronto Fringe Festival,
George Ignatieff Theatre, Toronto
July 7-17, 2011
Though listed as a drama, this is really a half-baked attempt at political cabaret. Scenes of “Stéphane Harpère” (Jiv Parasram) hosting a variety show with Stanley, his talking Quebecois cat (Rylan O’Reilly), alternate with five female protesters held in a detention centre during the G20 summit.
Theatrically, the comedy trumps the drama. While the five female detainees (Emily Derr, Janina Kowalski, Joy Lee, Madmoro and Maerika Pinkney) do discuss human rights abuses, any sense of solidarity is undermined when only two of the five hold to their ideals as the other three indulge in petty squabbles. Having the women dance to Lady Gaga, flirt and rap along with the guards is more limp satire than hard-hitting exposé.
©Christopher Hoile
Note: A version of this review appeared in NOW Magazine, July 14, 2011.
Photo: G20 protests in Toronto. ©2010 Skidmark Bob.
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