Stage Door News
Toronto: Call for papers about John Marston’s “The Dutch Courtesan” extended to January 31
Monday, January 7, 2019
Conference: Strangers and Aliens in London and Toronto: Sex, Religion, and Xenophobia in Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan
Dates: 22-24 March 2019
Length of abstract: 250 words
Place: University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
Final date for submitting abstracts: extended to 31 January 2019
Date of announcing accepted papers: 15 February 2019, or earlier
Targeted scholars: senior doctoral students, recent doctoral graduates, and early career scholars
Object: to fill two panels of speakers for the March conference which follows RSA in Toronto, and includes performances of The Dutch Courtesan. Accepted papers will be peer-reviewed, copyedited, and published online on the Toronto Dutch Courtesan website, along with the other papers at the conference and reviews coming out of the performances. Not all accepted papers will be read at the conference, but all accepted papers will be published. Performances of the play begin March 19 and end with a matinee on March 24.
Papers (15-20 minutes) are requested on Marston’s The Dutch Courtesan (1605), on very specific topics of your choice. We are especially interested in pedagogy, rehearsal, and the modern connection between Marston’s play and current events now; also, theatrical connections with French and Italian comedy (commédia), ideas of masculinity and femininity; the working woman; geographical, religious, economic, social, political, and gendered landscapes of the play; Marston’s sharing of current concerns with Middleton (e.g., A Mad World, My Masters), Barry (e.g., The Family of Love), Jonson, or other playwrights fascinated by city comedy and the London of 1600-1610.
Respond to:
Dr H M Ostovich
Founding Editor, Early Theatre
Series Editor, Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama
Series Editor, Late Tudor and Stuart Drama
Professor Emerita, English and Cultural Studies
McMaster University
Hamilton ON L8S 4L9
Photo: Title page of the 1633 edition.