Stage Door News
Toronto: What’s happening on the Bloor Street Culture Corridor in December
Sunday, December 1, 2019
It's already December! If you haven't already, the Bloor Street Culture Corridor partners have wonderful gift options either through their gift shops or musical gift certificates. Or take an opportunity to recharge amidst all the hustle and bustle with plenty of events to check out, listed below. Warmest of holiday wishes, and happy new year!
Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre
Celebrate the festive season at the Miles Nadal JCC throughout December! On December 1, Susan G. Cole introduces The Toronto Jewish Film Society presentation of a romantic drama, Bride Flight. Visit our Gallery from December 4 to January 1, to see Tamar Swartz's Courageous Heart featuring lush paintings that explore mental health. On December 5,enjoy a daytime lecture on Cab Calloway from Jonno Lightstone, Are You Hep to the Jive? Then we offer more swing music for The Night Is Cold But the Music's Hot, a daytime concert and dance in celebration of Chanukah with Alex Pangman and her Alleycatson December 12. At our community-wide Chanukah Groove on December 15, families are invited to celebrate with music, jungle gym, arts & crafts and yummy treats. On December 20 join us for a mishmosh evening in advance of Chanukah and Christmas with - what else? - Chinese food at our Jewish & Chrismukkah.
Alliance Francaise de Toronto
Warm up with December events at Alliance Française Toronto. Let's meet for our Christmas market on Saturday, November 30 and make sure to bring your kids to the poetic dance show Take a deep breath! If you missed the presentation November 30, enjoy the show on Sunday December 1. Enjoy classical music with La sonate de Saint-Saëns on Friday 6. Then dance on the sounds of Odezenne on Tuesday December 10! As always, their Movie-Thursdays await you: Tanguy on Thursday 5 and What's in a name on Thursday December 12. Merry Christmas!
The Japan Foundation
The Japan Foundation, Toronto will co-present the Aijo Film Series: Modern Love in Japan in December. Three films centering on the theme of love in its many forms will be screened: Her Love Boils Like Bathwater, Three Stories of Love and The Tokyo Night Sky is Always the Densest Shade of Blue. Don't miss a very special Kyogen Performance at the JFT Event Hall on Monday December 2, co-presented with the Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto as part of commemorative events for the 90th Anniversary of Canada-Japan Diplomatic Relations. Kyogen is a traditional form of Japanese theatre with roots in satire and comedy. The performers from the troupe Shigeyama Kyogen are known as "Otofu Kyogen"; tofu is something that can be enjoyed by everyone at any time, never gets boring and is always tasteful! Reservations are required for what will be a unique and popular event.
Women's Art Association of Canada
December at the Women's Art Association of Canada brings Literary Nites: Assay the Essay: Where Art and Intellect Meet, December 3 from 7-9 pm, sponsored by the Writing Consultants. Liam Lacey will discuss several films during his talk, "Movies That Think: The Rise of the Essay Film." Many will remember Liam Lacey as the film critic for the Globe and Mail. From the WAAC Arts Committee series, The Artist's Hand, Steve Rose, a practising artist and arts teacher will offer critique and analysis of artwork in any medium, style or approach in a safe, supportive, and encouraging environment on December 4,1-4 pm Cost: members/$20 session, non-members/$30/session.During December they have two art exhibits on display: Small Gems, representing small works by 50 WAAC artists, in the Dignam Gallery; and Between Darkness and Light, featuring the art of Christine Lynett, A.O.C.A., in the Ruth Upjohn Gallery. Opening reception: Friday, December 6, 6-9 pm WAAC hours: Monday to Thursday, 9:30-4 pm.
The Royal Conservatory of Music
Koerner Hall concert tickets, gift certificates, and concert plus hotel packages make great gifts for the holidays! December concerts at The Royal Conservatory of Music's Koerner Hall include Godfather of Cuban jazz, Chucho Valdés, performing music from his newest release, Jazz Batá 2, revisiting his 1972 album of the same title, on December 4. All of his band members are from the Guantánamo region, with deep roots in Cuban musical culture. Chucho Valdés, Jazz Batá 2 was namedone of Billboard's 20 Best Latin Jazz Albums of 2018 and is now nominated for a Latin Grammy Award. The Tallis Scholars create the purity and clarity of sound that serves their Renaissance repertoire, allowing every detail of the musical lines to be heard. In their return on December 8, they present a program called Reflections, which reveals how important and durable plainsong was, from the Renaissance period to 20th century Paris, and from territories as far apart as England and Mexico. For more information, tickets, and gift certificates, please call 418.408.0208.
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir
Experience an Italian Baroque Christmas with O Come, Shepherds from December 4-8 with Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and Toronto's Vesuvius Ensemble with special guest, Tommaso Sollazzo. Festive Baroque meets folk with elegant concertos by Italian composers alongside traditional music of Southern Italy, and the sound of special bagpipes played by shepherds, the zampogna, a central part of Italian Christmas festivities. Tafelmusik's Handel Messiah returns to Koerner Hall from December 17-20. Ivars Taurins directs virtuoso soloists, orchestra, and chamber choir, presenting Handel's transcendental masterpiece with Tafelmusik's trademark expertise and care, intimacy and expanse. Tafelmusik's annual performances of Messiah have become a cherished annual Toronto holiday tradition-join Tafelmusik and discover why!
The Music Gallery
The final month of the year features a large scale production dedicated to an artist who left us in 2019: Scott Walker. His eccentric career from mid-sixties teen idol to fearless sound sculptor is the subject of Melancholiac: The Music Of Scott Walker, by Adam Paolozza. Part concert, part spectacle, part existential talk-show, Melancholiac features a pit band led by former MG curator Gregory Oh. There are three shows over two days: December 6 and 7. The following day, December 8, brings Sounding Difference, in which Anne Bourne leads group interpretations of the text scores of the late Pauline Oliveros.
918 Bathurst Centre
As the end of the year approaches, 918 Bathurst caps off 2019 with a plethora of exciting events! The Music Gallery presents two shows this month - Melancholiac: The Music of Scott Walker in association with Bad New Days on December 6 and 7, and Sounding Difference on December 8 based on the listening text scores of Pauline Oliveros. RISE Thursdays returns on December 12. The Impromptu Concert Series presents an evening of cabaret with Movie Music - A Holiday Concert on Friday 13and 14. And ending the year, on December 20 and 21, the legendary Caliban Arts and Trane Live Events presents two more jazz concerts as part of their series for 2019, with details to be announced soon.
Toronto Reference Library
Visit Toronto Reference Library throughout December for engaging talks, programs, and a family-focused exhibit. On December 6, join art historian Dr. Corrinne Chong for a talk exploring mythology in the riveting and dynamic early works of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). Author Katie Daubs discusses her book, "The Missing Millionaire," and the stranger-than-fiction mystery of Ambrose Small on December 10, and poet, novelist, short-story writer, and anthologist Pamela Mordecai discusses her life and craft on December 12. Singers, musicians, poets, comics and storytellers are invited to share their talents at the Toronto Reference Library Open Mic on December 19.And their exhibit, You, Me, Us: Outstanding Books For and About Young People with Disabilities, continues in the TD Gallery.
Royal Ontario Museum
Wildlife Photographer of the Year has returned to the ROM for the seventh year in a row. All-new photographs from around the world reveal striking wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and the remarkable beauty of our natural world. Experience it until March 29, 2020. Bloodsuckers: Legends to Leeches is on now! Explore where nature and culture truly collide at this ROM original exhibition, all about the weirdly wonderful world of bloodfeeding animals. On December 31, ring in the New Year right at the ROM New Year's Eve Celebration! Celebrate with special access to Bloodsuckers: Legends to Leeches, as well as live bands, DJs, and, of course, a toast at midnight! Tickets are on sale now. From December 26, 2019 to January 5, 2020, make the Museum your perfect holiday gathering place for the entire family at ROM for the Holidays.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
On now at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in collaboration with Sandra Ainsley Gallery presents: Vetro: An Exhibition of Contemporary Italian Glass. Italy's rich tradition of Glass, dates back to the 8th Century; over the next number of Centuries, the Italians pushed the limits of glass and develop innovative techniques which are still used by Glass Artists worldwide. The techniques of the artists featured range from blown glass to flame working to carving; their works explore traditional Venetian techniques. December 4-8 features O Come, Shepherds with Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and Toronto's Vesuvius Ensemble with special guest, Tommaso Sollazzo. Festive Baroque meets folk with elegant concertos by Italian composers alongside traditional music of Southern Italy, and the sound of the zampogna, a central part of Italian Christmas festivities. December 13, Vesuvius Ensemble at Heliconian Hall presents Quanno Nascette Ninno: Christmas in Southern Italy. Special guests: Tommaso Solazzo, Romina Di Gasbarro.
Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
It's your last chance to see the docs that had everyone buzzing all year at Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema's Best of 2019 spotlight, featuring Amazing Grace, Scandalous, Midnight Traveler and more. Ring in the season with special events like The Nutcracker and free festive classics on the big screen with Hot Docs for the Holidays. Michael Apted's groundbreaking 7 Upseries continues with 63 Up, a ninth installment full of insight and humour, following its singular subjects into the later stages of life.Trace the steps of the late great travel writer Bruce Chatwin from South America to Australia in Nomad, a moving travelogue from the legendary Werner Herzog. From the hilarious and off-the-wall to the touching and unique, see the best of the ads of the year at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2019.
Museum of Estonians Abroad (VEMU)
VEMU/Estonian Studies Centre is organizing a concert with two award winning female vocalists: Canada's own Laila Biali and Kadri Voorand from Estonia. The concert will take place at the Royal Cinema Theatre on Saturday, November 30 starting at 7pm. Tickets are available at Eventbrite. In December it is possible to see two exhibitions at Tartu College (310 Bloor St W). Estonian Sport in Canada curated by the Estonian Sports and Olympic Museum portrays what Estonians have contributed to the sport in Canada. A new exhibition Music in Pictures is made up with illustrations for Estonian Music Week 2019 by Laani Heinar showcasing all the musicians that took part in the festival this year.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
The Thomas Fisher Rare Library celebrates the festive season with a special exhibition, "A Small and Fine Press Christmas." On display will be holiday-inspired books and ephemera from some of the most important fine presses around the world, including Canada, from the past and present. The work of these presses is exceptional as special attention was paid to the physical properties of a printed work, including the quality of paper, illustration, binding, the overall design, typefaces and the mode of printing. The library is also offering holiday-themed cards for sale, featuring images from the collections. It is the final month to view the exhibition "The Lumiere Press Archives: Photography and the Fine Press," which features archival material from the only fine press in the world devoted exclusively to photography and photographers. Please note, the Fisher will close for two weeks beginning December 23.
Bata Shoe Museum
Wondering what to do with the kids during winter break? Walk on down to Toronto's favourite shoebox in December for some shoe-inspired fun. On December 15, kids can make a special holiday craft to take home, try on some fabulous footwear and play ISpy in the galleries. Keeping the kids busy during the break is easy at the BSM! Enjoy drop-in activities every day from December 21 - January 5 (closed only on Christmas day). If you're looking to complete your holiday shopping, drop by the BSM shop for a special gift inspired by our collection and exhibitions. Filled with a wonderful selection of thoughtfully chosen items, you'll certainly find something that's just perfect! And don't forget, PayWhatYouCan is every Thursday between 5-8 pm - see you here!
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