Stage Door News

Toronto: “The Woods are Dark and Deep” plays the Factory Theatre March 21-27

Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Woods are Dark and Deep is a new, original historical drama, based on a little known historical fact that during World War I, immigrants who were living in Canada, but who came from countries that Canada was in war with, ended up interned. This included Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Croats, Serbs, Austrians, Hungarians, Turks.... More than 8500 people were kept in 24 internment camps and receiving stations. All of these camps were using their occupants as a working force to clear forests, create roads, national parks and villages, and most of them kept only men. However, there were two camps that kept entire families. Our story follows three Serbian men, and a Ukrainian family, parents with two children. All of these characters came to Canada to work and earn a better life for themselves and their families, but through no fault of their own ended up locked up and forced to do manual labour for several years, being payed a quarter a day.

A hundred years later, Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund is an organization that is dedicated to keeping the memory of these little-known events alive, and is hoping to educate our future generations about the position of immigrants in our country and the ordeals that they had to go through to integrate into the fabric of modern Canadian society. In collaboration with Pulse Theatre, they commissioned and produced this show that will educate, thrill and touch the audience, reminding them how tough our ancestors were and how their sacrifices informed our legal processes and our today's social freedoms.     


A new play by Mladen Obradović, presented at Factory T
heatre from March 21-27th.

For more infomation about the show and about our company at