Stage Door News
Toronto: Greg Campbell's solo show “OUT” plays Buddies in Bad Times Theatre April 24-May 5
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Buddies In Bad Times Theatre & Big Bappis Productions bring back 2016 Best of Fringe Hit OUT.
OUT is a one-man play set in Montreal in 1977, at the height of the disco era. Glen is 17 years-old and decides to kick open the closet door. While keeping it secret from his parents, he celebrates his new gay identity by going to discos, joining a Gay Youth Group, and investigating several bedrooms. With his two best friends, he goes to New York City for the Gay Pride March, where their lives are changed forever. Under the highly inventive direction of Clinton Walker, this is a tour tour-de-force performance by Dora-nominated actor Greg Campbell who brings twenty-five characters to life in this hilariously moving story.
OUT is Greg Campbell’s personal story of coming out in the seventies: a time of struggle, oppression, confusion, excitement, laughter and learning. It’s a funny and candid depiction of the disco era in Montreal, when the sexual revolution was in full swing and gays and lesbians were just beginning to enjoy new freedoms. But with this new-found freedom came harassment, violence and discrimination. OUT takes us back to a critical moment in history. A time when gay bars were being raided, there were no queer people represented in the media and the concept of being married or even in a long term relationship was non-existent. Revisiting this time theatrically is a vital opportunity for our younger queer generation to learn the history of their community. For the older generation, it is a chance to re-experience this time when simply showing up at a Gay Pride March was an act of political and personal courage, and when Anita Bryant was spearheading an anti-gay campaign that posed a serious threat to gay rights.
“Beautifully detailed, moving and inspiring” - Now Magazine NNNN
Written and Performed by Greg Campbell
Direction and Dramaturgy by Clinton Walker
Sound Design by Steven Lafond
Lighting Design by Steph Raposo
Projection Design by Adam Barrett
Venue: Buddies In Bad Times Cabaret (12 Alexander St, Toronto)
Dates: April 24th - May 5th 2019: Tuesdays - Saturdays at 8pm with matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30pm
Runtime: 75 minutes
Tickets: $20 General Admission Tues-Thurs, $25, General Admission Fri-Sat, $20/PWYC, Sun; $20 Seniors, Students & Arts Workers – tickets available online at Buddies In Bad Times and in person at the box office.
Social media: Find out more about OUT on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram - @outtheplay.