Stage Door News

Toronto: Blood Pact Theatre presents “Dock Mother God Society” October 8-26

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Set in Kelowna, British Columbia, amidst the worst wildfire season in Canadian history, DOCK MOTHER GOD SOCIETY is a play that explores modern western community and its relationship to death, family, generosity, resentment, forgiveness and our connection to the land we live on.

The story, in one act, follows Ed (MarkPaci - Of Mice and Men, The Late Henry Moss, Unit 102), a recently sober, 32-year-old living with his reclusive widowed godmother, Bev (Elizabeth Saunders - Mary Kills People, Global TV; Alias Grace, CBC Television), as he tries to win back his wife & daughter. Between his Auntie’s stories of magical monsters, mermaids and a never ending war over a tree with her next door neighbour Rich (JohnHealy - Liars at a Funeral, Truthnliestheatre; Art - Column 13), will Ed be able to stay sober, survive the summer and prove to his wife he’s in a condition to come back home and try things again? Joining this dynamic cast is indie darling Wayne Burns (Olympus, Syfy; Miss, Unit 102) who plays Ed’s supportive, albeit youthful sponsor to help him along the way. 

DOCK MOTHER GOD SOCIETY is the fourth installment in Blood Pact’s canon of original works and is set to further their reputation as the punk rock kids of Toronto’s independent theatre scene - and, as an added bonus; they have the home-court advantage of premiering this play in their brand new, once auto-body shop turned DIY performance space, Grand Canyon. 

Blood Pact Theatre presents the World Premiere of


October 08 - 26, 2019

OPENING NIGHT: Thursday, October 10, 8pm

Grand Canyon, 2 Osler St

Written and Directed by Bryce Hodgson

Starring Mark Paci, Elizabeth Saunders, John Healy & WayneBurns

Set design by Bryce Hodgson

Lighting design by Quinn Hoodless

Tuesday - Saturday @ 8pm

Single tickets start at just $15 Previews,  $20-$25, RegularPerformances


For More Info and to Connect: • Facebook: @BloodPactTheatre•Instagram: @bloodpacttheatre

#dockmother #DMGS