Stage Door News

Millbrook: Call for proposals for 4th Line Theatre’s 2021 Digital Festival of Light & Dark

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

4th Line Theatre is excited to announce a new initiative, the Digital Festival of Light & Dark, which will provide an opportunity for artists, based in Millbrook, Peterborough, Lakefield, Port Hope, Cobourg and the surrounding environs, to showcase their work in a digital space. The Digital Festival of Light & Dark will foster virtual engagement between local artists and community members, during these precarious times.

4th Line Theatre is seeking project proposals from local artists for original or existing artworks to be featured in the digital festival. Proposals may feature one or more of the following art forms: dance, film, theatre, music, visual art & photography. Priority will be given to artists who explore the concepts of light and/or darkness, in whatever medium they choose to work.

As Managing Artistic Director Kim Blackwell explains, “We want to support local artists, even in a small way; and to generate art throughout the winter of 2021, when people might be more housebound than normal.”

4th Line Theatre will award six micro-grants of $250 to each successful applicant. Proposals must include a 300-word description of the proposed project and the Artist(s)’s CV/Bio. The deadline to submit proposals is November 24, 2020 at 5:00 PM. All proposals must be emailed to 4th Line’s Artistic Administrator, Jess McDougall, at

Successful project applicants will be notified by November 30, 2020. Artists will then have two months to prepare a video or film which runs five minutes or less, that showcases their new or existing piece of video art. The six videos will be released on 4th Line Theatre’s YouTube channel for viewing as of Monday, January 25, 2020. These videos will be available to the public to view at no cost. 

For more information regarding the festival, please contact Jess McDougall by phone at 705-932-4448 or by email at

Photo: Mosun Fadare at 4th Line Theatre. © 2018 Wayne Eardley.