Stage Door News
Toronto: Iain Scott gives Zoom lectures for “An Introduction to German Opera” beginning November 22
Sunday, November 15, 2020
After the surprising, tremendous and gratifying response to my experimental three “Zoom Meeting” lectures on “An Introduction to Italian Opera”, I have agreed to do another three for Sue Walsh’s CLASSI LECTURES series, this time on “AN INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN OPERA”. Once again, these will be designed for a broad, “general” audience. We will start next weekend.
In these lectures, we will discover that, in contrast to Italian operas, which stress “voce, voce, voce”, German operas highlight “the orchestra” and the “meaning of the work”. This type of opera appeals most to those who enjoy thinking. German operas represent roughly 20% of the current repertoire, compared with Italian opera’s 60% share.
If you, or a friend, would like to join us on this voyage of discovery, please register through Sue Walsh at being sure to indicate which day and time – for individual lectures - or for the series. Spaces for each lecture will be limited.
Series is $40 or $15 each - by interac, visa or cheque - to CLASSI LECTURES.
(Mozart, Beethoven, von Weber)
SUNDAY 22 November (4:00 pm to 5.15 pm) and
MONDAY 23 November (2:30 pm to 3:45 pm)
RICHARD WAGNER (in an hour!)
SUNDAY 29 November (4:00 pm to 5.15 pm) and
MONDAY 30 November (2:30 pm to 3:45 pm)
(Richard Strauss)
SUNDAY 6 December (4:00 pm to 5.15 pm) and
MONDAY 7 December (2:30 pm to 3:45 pm)
Photo: Iain Scott.