Stage Door News
Toronto: WeeFestival of Arts and Culture announces cancellation
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Out of consideration for the health and safety of their audiences, artists, and staff in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic and resulting local and Provincial states of Emergency; the WeeFestival has made the necessary, yet heartbreaking decision to cancel all events scheduled for May 4 -24, 2020.
The Festival hopes to reschedule selected performances from the current program to the Fall of 2020 while continuing its planning for its 6th edition in May 2021. Details to be announced in the late Spring.
Artistic Director Lynda Hill reached out to WeeFestival families in a message announcing the festival cancellation:
My team and I are truly heartbroken and so very sorry we will not have a chance this May to share the rich, inspiring shows in our festival with your children, grandchildren, or students. I am thinking of all of you who are trying to manage the already heavy demands of work and parenting while navigating this uncertain and extraordinary time. I am especially thinking of the children and how bewildering this all must be for them. I hope you can try to create space and time to play, explore, dance, sing, draw, and read together whenever you can. Now, more than ever, they need to be immersed in arts and creativity. Remember that schools and playgrounds may be closed but the imagination can never be contained.
The festival organizers are issuing refunds to all ticket buyers and asking Toronto audiences to consider a donation of any size to assist them as they try to re-group and sustain their efforts to move forward toward over the coming months.
Those who wish to donate, are asked to visit the WeeFesitval Canada Helps site to make a secure donation today. DONATE HERE
About the WeeFestival
The WeeFestival of Arts & Culture for Early Years is dedicated to the presentation of inspiring theatre and performing arts created especially for children 0-6 years and their families. Since its debut in 2014, the WeeFestival has presented thirty-five productions from leading theatres overseas, Canada, and Quebec performed in intimate theatre venues around Toronto.
Four festival productions emerged out of commissioning and development support and went on to successful touring. The festival has featured a wide range of multidisciplinary events, workshops, and conference activity for professional artists and Early Childhood Educators.
The WeeFestival of Arts and Culture for Early Years is grateful for the support of the following funders, sponsors, and partners:
The Department of Canadian Heritage, The Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Arts Council, Lentiberry Fund through the Toronto Foundation, CUPE 4000 Toronto Education Workers, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Goethe Institut-Toronto, The Government of France, Théâtre français de Toronto, Alliance Française de Toronto, Festival Petits bonheurs, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Prologue to the Performing Arts, Bureau du Québec, The Museum of Contemporary Art, and The Little Paper
For more information regarding the Weefestival please visit