Stage Door News
London: Grand Theatre to participate in “Light Up Live”
Monday, September 21, 2020
Following the theatre’s traditional ‘dark’ day on Monday, the Grand will be joining with partners locally and across the country in lighting up the theatre red on Tuesday, September 22 at 8:30 PM. The Light Up Live initiative is a grassroots labour of love and passion started by Live Event Community co-founders and industry veterans Morgan Myler and Rob Duncan, and has grown exponentially in momentum since August when it was launched.
This Day of Visibility for the entertainment and events industry positioned as a ‘red alert,’ will remind Canadians of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had directly on the people and businesses in London and across the country.
Campaigns in Germany (#nightoflight2020) and the UK (#LightItInRed) have been successful in raising the profile of an industry that has lost 80-95% of its business since March.
To-date, the list of participating buildings in London include the Grand Theatre, Budweiser Gardens, Fanshawe’s Good Foundation Theatre, and the Palasad Social Bowl. Many other prestigious performance venues, major arenas, and iconic landmarks like the CN Tower, Calgary Tower, Niagara Falls, Rogers Arena, Massey Hall, Confederation Centre of the Arts, and Stratford Festival Theatre will also be lighting up red. A complete map can be seen at (
This is not a protest but a reminder to our communities and the government.
The Grand, with the arts and live event community, remains appreciative of the provincial and federal governments who have been supportive to this point with programs like CERB, CEWS, arts and heritage grants, but we know that this is far from over. Stages, conference rooms, event centres, and venues are still dark and the industry needs continued support until the lights are back on for good.
“The current renovation project will dim our opportunity to light the full theatre’s front façade red, but we are engaging our amazing staff to do what we can to show support for this day of awareness,” stated Deb Harvey, Executive Director.
“The continued messages of support we receive from our patrons, sponsors, volunteers, and donors keep us going, knowing they want our doors to be open when it is safe - just as much as we do. Whether in person or in spirit, we know we will have their support on Tuesday.”
“We think it is also crucial to acknowledge the economic impact the shutdown of our industry has on the guest artists that we work with and the many businesses that rely on our partnership over the course of a season. The ripples are wide and deep. Once we are ready to open again, we need to be sure that the talented folks we work with and employ, and the suppliers we do business with are still available,” continued Deb. “Supporting the industry is critical to ensuring there is still industry left once we are clear to open the doors again.”
Anyone wishing to watch the lighting of the Grand in person is asked to wear a mask and practice appropriate social distancing measures. Folks are also encouraged to follow the Grand’s social media channels throughout the day to hear and see more information and personal stories.
For more information on how you or your business can participate and show your support, please visit