Stage Door News
Toronto: Toronto Operetta Theatre announces its 2021/22 season
Friday, November 19, 2021
Just in time for the Holiday Entertainment Season, TOT’s General Director Guillermo Silva-Marin announces the company’s return to the St. Lawrence Centre stage with the Canadian Premiere of Oscar Straus’ A Waltz Dream on December 29, 31 and January 2, 4, 2022. Offenbach’s riotous Orpheus in the Underworld will be presented on February 16, 18, 19, 20, 2022 and the World Premiere of Michael Rose’s long-anticipated new musical – A Northern Lights Dream – May 5, 6 and 7, 2022. “After a hiatus of 22 months”, says Silva-Marin, “we are so excited to be on stage again, with wonderful music, comedy and the joy of theatre shared with friends and family”.
All three shows will be full productions with orchestra. The cast for A Waltz Dream, Oscar Straus’ greatest success, features the debut of Andrea Nuñez, Scott Rumble and the return of TOT favourites Elizabeth Beeler, Keith Klassen and Gregory Finney. The orchestra and cast will be conducted by Derek Bate. Orpheus in the Underworld is featuring TOT stars Vania Chan, Tonatiuh Abrego, Ryan Downey and Rosalind McArthur. The season concludes with the World Premiere of Michael Rose’s musical, A Northern Lights Dream. It takes place in Shakespeare, Ontario and is inspired by the Bard of Avon’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Suzy Smith makes her conducting debut guiding an impressive cast of Natalya Gennadi, Karen Bojti, Ian Backstrom, Daniela Agostino and Stephanie O’Leary.
TOT will be following all health protocols and guidelines to safeguard the public and its artists. Each production will offer a choice of two performances at 50% capacity to ally fears of distancing concerns. Of course, proof of vaccination and masking would be at the centre of our requests during all TOT performances.
Best of all, TOT will keep ticket prices unchanged at pre-pandemic levels!
TOT is grateful for support from the Canada Council for the Arts, Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, the Jackman Foundation, the Dalglish Family Foundation, Bedolfe Foundation, Dianne and Irving Kipnes Foundation, and media sponsor Classical 96.3 FM.
All performances take place at the wheelchair-accessible St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, situated in the downtown theatre district, close to public transit and municipal parking. Proof of full vaccination is required to attend. For information, call the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts at 416-366-7723, 1–800-708-7654, or