Stage Door News
Toronto: Canadian Stage’s Festival of Ideas and Creation runs March 17-20 online
Sunday, March 14, 2021
The Festival of Ideas and Creation is a gathering of Artists, Arts Practitioners, Art Lovers and Thought Leaders from a variety of disciplines. The Festival is built to be a responsive space to consider creative practices. It is a space for artists and audiences to come together, to interrogate and investigate that which is pressing, new, or challenging in artistic creation communities. It is a space that will build and feed the creative imagination of all participants by presenting engaging panels, workshops, and lively guided discussion groups. The FIC enhances community connections, fosters curiosity and imagination, and strengthens connections between artistic communities and Canadian Stage.
The Festival of Ideas and Creation MOVEMENTS in DANCE will focus on contemporary conversations that prioritize artists and their practice. The 4-day series of events will offer opportunities to explore practical considerations within dance and movement. This includes resources on health and safety and workshops with leading creatives in dance to celebrate the joy, pleasure, and possibilities of our beautifully intricate bodies.
We invite you to join us on March 17-20, 2021 to discover new ideas and make new connections at MOVEMENTS in DANCE.
Festival leads: Tawiah Ben M'Carthy and Dedra McDermott
Curatorial team: Seika Boye, Mel Hague,Tawiah Ben M'Carthy, Dedra McDermott, Lynanne Sparrow, Beth Wong.
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