Stage Door News

Kingston: Virtual book launch May 25 of “When Words Sing: Seven Canadian Opera Libretti”

Monday, May 24, 2021

Meet the creators behind the words of Canadian opera in this exciting new collection of contemporary libretti. Featuring Ours by Robert Chafe, Rocking Horse Winner by Anna Chatterton, Beatrice Chancy by George Elliott Clarke, Missing by Marie Clements, Nigredo Hotel by Ann-Marie MacDonald, Shelter by Julie Salverson, and Dog Days by Royce Vavrek, When Words Sing turns the spotlight on everything that goes into writing libretti, answering frequently asked questions along the way. 

Through supplementary interviews, essays, and illustrations, the book will examine the role of the librettist; how a libretto can inspire a composer, director, and designer; and how the relationship between words, music, sound, and design coalesces into an ageless theatrical form.

When Words Sing: Seven Canadian Libretti

Edited by Julie Salverson

Subjects:  Theatre Studies,  Musicals,  Anthologies

Imprint:  Playwrights Canada Press

Paperback : 9780369101242, 440 pages, May 2021


When Words Sing virtual book launch
Watershed Festival, May 25 - May 25

The Watershed Festival celebrates the words behind the music as Editor and librettist Julie Salverson launches her new book When Words Sing: Seven Canadian Libretti (Playwrights Canada Press).  Salverson and Tapestry Opera Artistic Director Michael Hidetoshi Mori are joined by renowned Canadian writers George Elliott Clarke (Beatrice Chauncy), Ann-Marie MacDonald (Nigredo Hotel) and Marie Clements (Missing) who will read excerpts from their work.

Virtual audience members will have a chance to win one of 5 copies of When Words Sing: Seven Canadian Libretti as we kick off the inaugural Watershed Festival.