Stage Door News
Toronto: Ash Knight is Pleiades Theatre’s new Associate Artistic Producer
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Artistic Producer Andrey Tarasiuk is pleased to announce Ash Knight as Pleiades Theatre’s new Associate Artistic Producer, starting in July 2021. He is the third person to share creative leadership since 1997 when Pleiades Theatre began. “Ash’s experiences as an actor, director, educator and playwright, plus the recognition and respect others hold of him within our Toronto and Ontario theatre communities, make him a convincing choice to join my Pleiades team,” says Tarasiuk, “I look forward to working with Ash to maintain the qualities of production, the creativity and precision of translations and the international perspectives that are the track record of Pleiades Theatre.”
Under the direction of Tarasiuk, Knight will be responsible for Pleiades’ commissioning and translations programs. He will be working with translators and authors in development, workshops and early decisions, such as casting and locations - all leading to eventual productions. Ash will oversee the three or four dramas per year, in various stages of development, and will propose and prepare for future initiatives in translating and playwriting. He will also lead Outreach activities, including liaison with educational institutions, with funders, and with the score of actors who animate Pleaides’ in-school programs such as Speak the Speech!. A new aspect of the role is the identification of similar fresh initiatives, particularly appropriate and necessary in the post-Covid environment. Pleiades is an artist-driven company, a theatre where Knight will have many opportunities to work closely with Tarasiuk on the administrative and supplementary steps, and on the professional responsibilities that are a part of learning to lead a theatre company.
The role of an Associate is to learn from, support and introduce new ideas to the leadership of a company. “I join a long list of Associates currently working with various theatre organizations in Canada,” says Knight, “I am thrilled that Andrey asked me to join that list, and that he places his trust in me. I will work under him at Pleiades as he leads it to its quarter century and beyond while ensuring that it remains as relevant as ever. I am particularly excited by the direction Andrey is steering the company by expanding its vision to include adaptations, inspirations, and as always, translations. In the past, Andrey has provided valuable guidance to me in my role as an actor, a teaching artist and a director. I look forward to seeing how he guides me in my role as his Associate and to his plans for Pleiades."
Photo: Ash Knight.