Stage Door News
Toronto: “Last Call: A Mundane Mysteries Marathon” runs December 9-10
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Outside the March Theatre announces
Last Call: A Mundane Mysteries Marathon
The final chance to catch the internationally renowned telephone experience
The Ministry of Mundane Mysteries
“There’s been a lot of immersive theatre in my little life. This was my favourite.”
– CBC Arts
December 9 - 10, 2022
The Ministry’s inspectors are finally hanging up their trenchcoats—but not before being called up for one last stack of cases.
After 31 months of continuous mystery-solving, Outside the March is announcing the grand finale of our wildly-successful phone-based immersive theatre experience with a 24-hour mystery-filled blowout extravaganza.
Last Call: A Mundane Mysteries Marathon will see performers from across Canada solve mysteries for audiences around the world, one household at a time. This is the last chance (for now…) to experience the production’s signature blend of improvised, customized, family-friendly, one-on-one telephone storytelling.
From 7PM December 9th to 7PM December 10th audiences can sign up for a 1-hour performance experience delivered right to their telephones in English, with a limited number of experiences available in French, and a limited number of ASL experiences via Zoom.
And in a departure from our recent performances, each mystery will be an ensemble experience, with multiple performers appearing on every call. That includes cameos from past performers and from our international bureaus in Lima and Chicago thanks to our friends at Animalien and Bramble Theater.
The Ministry’s crack team of inspectors will be solving cases all day and night, with veteran inspectors Jamie Cavanagh, Francis Melling and Jonathan Shaboo even pulling a full 24-hours-straight of mystery-solving mayhem.
We asked the inspectors how they plan to accomplish this feat:
“Plenty of black coffee. And those little Popeye candies I can pretend are cigarettes,” said Cavanagh gruffly, pulling his trench coat collar up around his ears.
“Coffee and mysteries are a lot alike: the darker they are, the more likely you are to get burnt,” grumbled Shaboo, his face in shadow beneath the brim of a fedora.
Added Melling quickly: “I think what my partners are trying to say is it’ll be fun for the whole family, and that’s no mystery!” He later admitted he had never seen a Film Noir in his life.
In addition to mysteries being solved all day and night, audiences can follow along on social media as we livestream and update @OutsidetheMarch.
The best part: tickets are only $10.
About The Ministry
Last Call is a celebration of The Ministry of Mundane Mysteries’ reach and impact. The production was conceived to offer tailored connection, care, comedy and wonder during extraordinarily challenging times. That audience-centric, customized sensibility has made it a hit with critics and audiences of all ages, encapsulated by New York Times critic Alexis Soloksi:
“It was made-to-measure… executed so generously… [The Ministry] asked about my world, listened and then let me slip free of it, at 10-minute intervals.”
Opening just two weeks into lockdown, The Ministry has solved mysteries for 1200+ households in every province and on every continent, totalling 200+ cities in 23 countries. We’ve teamed up with partners including SummerWorks, Theatre Direct, TO Live, Unity Health, the SOUND OFF Festival, Théatre DesAssimilés and more.
We’ve solved mysteries for frontline workers, families and classrooms, and donated free experiences through our Pay-It-Forward program to Amica Senior Lifestyles, Big Brothers Big Sisters and L’Arche Toronto. And we’ve opened international bureaus with Bramble Theater in Chicago, Animalien Theatre in Lima and The Thespo Festival in Mumbai—some of whom will be featured in cameos at Last Call.
Most importantly: the project was designed to employ artists during the pandemic, paying over $150,000-and-counting to its 30 performers through uncertain times.
Nick Blais, Katherine Cullen, Mitchell Cushman, Anahita Dehbonehie, Colin Doyle, Sébastien Heins, Amy Keating and Griffin McInnes
“Last Call” Performers
Madeleine Brown, Jamie Cavanagh, Shannon Currie, Florian François, Pat Gourdeau, Sébastien Heins, Thurga Kanagasekarampillai, Caitlin McConkey-Pirie, Francis Melling, Rafael Rogers, Jonathan Shaboo and Connor Yuzwenko-Martin
Ministry Direction
Mitchell Cushman and Griffin McInnes
Ministry Producer
Laura McCallum
Ministry Design
Nick Blais and Anahita Dehbonehie
Read more about the production and see full crediting:
Outside the March is supported by The Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Arts Council and The Toronto Arts Council. Last Call is supported by the Canada Council’s Digital Now program.