Stage Door News
Toronto: The Pucking Fuppet Co. presents “Family Crow: A Murder Mystery” October 11-23
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Opening the 2022/23 Eldritch Theatre Season THE FAMILY CROW: A Murder Mystery is an hour-long comedy puppet show. A mysterious murder has occurred amidst the Family Crow and now Horatio P. Corvus (Sorter Outer of Murders) is on the scene to crack the case. Eat your heart out, Agatha Crowstie.
“Creative vision, superb execution, a dollop of weirdness — and, of course, eye-rolling puns… Byron Laviolette’s direction, with Proulx’s laugh-stocked script, deftly balances the mystery with the comedy.” -Orlando Sentinel
THE FAMILY CROW was created by internationally celebrated puppeteer Adam Francis Proulx and directed by Byron Laviolette of Morro and Jasp and Pearle Harbour fame. With original music by Alex Baerg, costuming by Jessica Smith, and set designed by Kathleen Black. Winner of Best New Play London Fringe 2020, Patrons Pick Orlando Fringe 2022, Best Original Script Critic’s Choice Award - Orlando Fringe 2022, Best of Fest Orlando Sentinel 2022, Best of Fest Orlando Weekly 2022.
“We are so honoured to have been asked to be a part of Eldritch’s first full season at the Red Sandcastle Theatre. When one makes silly, creepy puppet shows about murder, it is a rare occurrence to be able to say ‘it’s such a great fit’…. BUT IT IS! It’s all very exciting.” - Adam Francis Proulx, The Pucking Fuppet Co.
The Family Crow: A Murder Mystery
Created & Performed by Adam Francis Proulx
Directed by Byron Laviolette
Original Music by Alex Baerg
Costume Design by Jessica Smith
Set Design by Kathleen Black
October 11 - 23rd, 2022
At the creepily uncanny Red Sandcastle Theatre
922 Queen St E Toronto
Sliding Scale $15/$25/$35
Eldritch Members Only $12.50
The Pucking Fuppet Co.
Adam Francis Proulx (pronounced 'Proo') has a love of puppets that began when he worked at Walt Disney World, but it really took off when he was in the Original Canadian Cast of Avenue Q. That being said, his mother would be happy to show you photo albums filled with evidence that the obsession went back much farther.
For the past decade, Adam has performed, as well as designed and built original puppets for stage and screen projects all over the world. Currently, Adam runs the Pucking Fuppet Co. out of Toronto, Canada.