Reviews 2011
Reviews 2011
by Rhonda Baker, Christine Birch & Tara Gaucher
Christine Birch, Toronto Fringe Festival,
George Ignatieff Theatre, Toronto
July 6-16, 2011
This show consists of two athletic dance pieces for two performers. The first, Overexposure by Rhonda Baker, is set to music by M.I.A., The Books and Sleepover and presents the complex situation of two women so involved in their own fantasies that each tries to impose her view on the other. The exciting choreography combines modern dance with street dance and punishing floor dives.
The short second work, Race me to the red light. Faster, Better, Namste. by Tara Gaucher is set to self-help texts by Brian Tracy and comically explores competitive self-affirmation among kick-boxing and yoga enthusiasts and cleverly integrates boxercise, stretching and general calisthenics with dance movements. Rhonda Baker and Christine Birch are both tremendously agile and engaging dancers.
©Christopher Hoile
Note: A version of this review appeared in NOW Magazine, July 14, 2011.
Photo: Christine Birch and Rhonda Baker. ©2011 Ömer K. Yükseker.
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