Reviews 2011
Reviews 2011
by Chloë Whitehorn, directed by David Owen
Working Title Artists Company, Toronto Fringe Festival,
Tarragon Theatre Mainspace, Toronto
July 5-15, 2011;
Best of Fringe Uptown, Toronto Centre for the Arts,
July 22, 29 & August 2, 2011
This show is like random episodes of a Sex And The City knock-off. The exposition is poor, the conclusion unclear, the direction unimaginative and the satire of online dating stale.
Yet the seven-member cast is clearly talented and has so much presence, it makes the dialogue actually sound witty. As Laurel, the central character, Bunmi Adeoye glows with warmth, humour and sympathy. The cast later delivers the three short songs by Cat Ratusny with such panache you wish someone had taken the play and completely reworked it for them as a musical.
©Christopher Hoile
Note: A version of this review appeared in NOW Magazine, July 14, 2011.
Photo: Nick Stojanovic and Bunmi Adeoye. ©2011 Chloë Whitehorn.
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