About Us

Christopher Hoile is a theatre critic and the Editor of Stage Door. He was the opera columnist for The WholeNote and the Toronto correspondent for Opera News, published by the Metropolitan Opera in New York.

Christopher was educated at the University of California, Davis, and Göttingen University in Germany. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature from the University of Toronto where he specialized in the theory of historical drama.

Christopher has taught as a professor of English and drama at Tokai University in Japan; the University of California, Berkeley; the University of New Hampshire and the University of Toronto. He began work as a theatre critic in 1999 having realized that much of the theatre activity across Ontario was not receiving serious critical attention. Christopher has since published almost 3000 reviews of theatre, opera, dance, magic and circus — all available on this site.

Web design and photography by Howard Clarke.

Only the newer pages for this site have been adapted for mobile devices.  The older content is formatted for larger screens.  Please accept our apologies.

Photo: The Editor, Mumbles, Wales. © 2008 Howard Clarke